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Earn up to 6

CE Credits

Registration $150

at Beckman Center

Contact Us

(949) 464-0131

Due to COVID 19, all workshops for the 2020–2021 season have been cancelled. Please check back as the COVID situation improves and it is deemed safe to have in-person gatherings again. During this hiatus, we are planning to organize some live stream webinars and will let you know when they are available. 

For almost 20 years now, the Anatomy of Intimacy Workshops, supported by the Foundation for the Contemporary Family and in collaboration with the UCI Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, offer an annual series of innovative continuing education programs in couples and family therapy designed to give you skills you can use immediately in your practice. This ongoing series explores contemporary relationships through the interdisciplinary lens of couples and sex therapy, attachment theory, family therapy, as well as gender, cultural and ethnic diversity.


Offered during the academic year, our workshops are based on the most leading edge research and treatment methods in order to stay current with evolving trends in relationship science. The invited faculty are among the most respected in the profession from around the world, presenting cutting edge clinical approaches to the California mental health community. 

These one- or two-day programs focus on one main topic or the work of one particular expert in couples or family therapy. There is a strong emphasis in each workshop on integrating theory with clinical practice, so we require that each presenter show videotapes or do active simulations to demonstrate their work regarding "what actually happens in the therapy room.”

Some examples of our distinguished speakers:

      Susan Johnson,  John Gottman,  Daniel Siegel,  Ellyn Bader,  Esther Perel,  Janis Spring,  Terry Real,

      Stan Tatkin,  Harville Hendrix,  Barry McCarthy,  Pepper Schwartz,  Stephen Porges, 

      Helen Fisher,  Tammy Nelson,  Margaret Nichols,  Bessel van der Kolk,  Bill Doherty


The Foundation for the Contemporary Family is an approved provider of the American Psychological Association (APA) and formerly a provider of the Board of Behavioral Sciences which now accepts APA programs for credit.



Foundation for the Contemporary Family  is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Foundation for the Contemporary Family maintains responsibility for this program and its content.


Judith Z. Anderson, Ph.D.

President, Foundation for the Contemporary Family
Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
University of California, Irvine

Copyright Foundation for the Contemporary Family 2010 - Present

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